Sunday Morning Worship Services
8:30 am (Traditional) and 10:30 am (Contemporary)
Tune in to our live-stream: blbc.online.church
Also available on YouTube at: youtube.com/bethesdalbc
View previous services here: c3ec.org/video
March 23 Bulletin and Sermon Notes
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March 16 Bulletin and Sermon Notes
March 9 Bulletin
Ash Wednesday Bulletin
March 2 Bulletin and Sermon Notes
February 23 Bulletin and Sermon Notes
Our Beliefs
Bethesda Lutheran Church is a part of a family of churches called the Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America. (Find out more at www.clba.org.)
Our Staff
These men and women have been called to join God in his work and help lead and care for the people and facilities of our church.
Our Ministries
Our ministries are where we learn, grow, and serve together! We have a wide variety of ministries, programs, and activities for children, youth, and adults.