Bethesda Missions
International Missions is an important part of who we are as a church body. In addition to supporting several missionaries around the world, Bethesda has adopted the Fulbe people of Chad, Africa. We have had a continuing relationship with the Fulbe people since 2002, which has included short-term mission projects, long-term missionaries, building fresh-water wells, providing mosquito nets, and most importantly helping spread the Gospel message among this people group.
Learn more about Lutheran Brethren mission work in Chad by clicking HERE.
You can learn more about Lutheran Brethren International Missions by clicking HERE.
World Mission Weekend
March 8-9, 2025
“All Things to All People.”
The theme of this wekeend is "All Things to All People," from 1 Corinthians 9:19–23. We've got several events lined up to help us experience how the gospel is shared cross-culturally, and how that applies here in Eau Claire as well.
Special Guests:
Dan Venberg,
Director, Lutheran Brethren International Mission
Jay Anderson,
Director, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, UWEC
Saturday, March 8th
>> 10:00 am — Breakfast
Everyone is invited to join us for a light brunch with guest speakers, Dan Venberg and Jay Anderson.
Bring your children to the brunch! Coloring and activity sheets will be at the tables to help kids engage. (If you have questions about dietary needs, please contact Dorie.) Child care for infants, toddlers and preschoolers will be provided with a reservation. Please reserve a spot at
Sunday, March 9th
>> 8:30 and 10:30 am. Dan Venberg speaking at both services.
>> 9:40 am — Missions Fair during Community Life: bring your kids, get a passport, and "visit" a variety of places across the street and around the world where people are intentionally loving others and sharing the good news of Jesus! (There will no NO Kids' Sunday School and NO nursery during this time.)
>> 11:45 am — Lunch.
Join us after morning services for lunch and a Q&A session with Dan and Jay.