"Love Takes Delight"
/The media constantly bombards us with what is attractive, what is hot and what you need. Models and movie stars are used to influence our definition of beauty and love. Fortunately, you don’t have to waste your life embracing their unrealistic standards. You, not the rest of the world, get to determine what is appealing and beautiful. God has given you a priceless treasure, your spouse, along with the opportunity to take delight in them.
Newlyweds feel their love. With fresh affections and the hope of an unending romantic future, they find joy in each other. The good news is that no matter how long you have been married, something just as powerful is available - the decision to delight in your spouse. Choosing to do so is not only as strong as the love that a newlywed feels, but it is a more mature love because its eyes are wide open. And it sees a beauty in our spouse that never fades, but grows deeper and richer as we age.
The Bible is full of love stories – including the Song of Songs, an entire book of poetic love. Though its mystery and meaning has been debated, it clearly portrays two lovers taking delight in one another. Furthermore, it shows God’s approval of romantic love, who after all was the creator of it. If the Song of Songs seems too mushy, then ponder Ecclesiastes 9:9 which says, “Enjoy life with the wife whom you love” or Proverbs 5:17, “Rejoice in the wife of your youth.”
Consider how much our Heavenly Father loves us and wants what is best for us. Delighting in our spouse is a blessing offered to us - but He also gives us choices. Love Dare repeatedly emphasizes the need to lead our heart, not follow it. If we fail to heed this advice, we become vulnerable to societal influences. Emotions and selfishness may overtake us, which in turn can lead to comparing the weaknesses of our spouse against the strengths of others. We must avoid buying into what the world is peddling and instead, commit to rediscovering what we love about our spouse.
We are not born with predestined preferences that control our lives. Each person gets to choose what they treasure. Decide that your spouse is one you will love and enjoy. Prize their God-given uniqueness and delight in who they are. Lovingly accept their quirks and faults with patience and kindness. The Bible does not tell us to marry the one we love, but it does say to love the one we marry!