Semester Break

Allow me to explain today’s ‘topic detour’. We completed the tenth of the 40 Love Dare chapters last week… one quarter of the material. If this were a two year course, it would be the end of the first semester of the first year. Here are the themes we have studied, which can be individually sent to anyone wishing to read them again:

  1. Love is patient

  2. Love is kind

  3. Love is not selfish

  4. Love is thoughtful

  5. Love is not rude

  6. Love is not irritable

  7. Love believes the best

  8. Love is not jealous

  9. Love makes good impressions

  10. Love is unconditional

I have three reasons for this break. First, it provides an opportunity to reflect on what has been covered and assess how well you are doing. I freely admit having room for improvement in every area.

This leads into the next reason — a personal story. During an Art of Marriage planning session three years ago, I shared some marital frustrations with Pastor Brian. It stemmed from my not wife ‘not acting as I felt she should’. After patiently listening, he softly said, “Learn to love her where she is at.” This seemingly simple statement is one of the greatest pieces of advice I have ever received. Looking back, I now realize how my attitude conflicted with multiple themes listed above – especially selfishness and a lack of unconditional love.

My final reason is also personal, but of a different nature. I have felt called to help grow marriage ministry at Bethesda the past few years. The results have been mixed. This series was designed to encourage marriage building in a user-friendly, yet effective way. Many signed up, but with minimal feedback, I often feel that I am writing in a vacuum. Much of this is pandemic related because personal interactions are limited, plus I regrettably do not know a few people on this Email list. It would be beneficial knowing if you find this resource helpful along with any suggestions or criticisms. I ask this not to receive praise; rather to improve this series as well as develop future marriage ministry programs. If you are willing, please respond via Email.

I close by encouraging you to remember Pastor Brian’s sage advice, especially when times are tough, on learning to “Love your spouse where they are at”. I also pray that this material has been and will continue to be a blessing to you. Thank you for your continued interest and support.
