"Love vs. Lust"
/The natural progression of lust is from eyes to heart to action, followed by shame and regret. God provides everything necessary for full, productive lives. He even blesses us beyond our basic needs through His Word, love, and Spirit. Yet we still want more, so we foolishly chase worldly pleasures. Lust often results in trying to fulfill selfish desires in illegitimate ways. For some, this may mean pursuing sexual fulfillment through fantasy, pornography or an affair.
Lust however, is not confined to sexual desires. People also lust after money, possessions, power, status, and more. We see what others have and want it. Our hearts are deceived into thinking we will be happier if we can somehow obtain the object of our desire. And so, we go after it. Some even justify this by claiming they are “entitled to it.” But that is the world’s view, not God’s.
Lust stands in opposition to love. It is restless and, like an addiction, always wants more. Even with a sensational spouse, lust can still leave someone feeling dissatisfied. It fuels anger, numbs hearts, and destroys marriages. Lust leads to emptiness, not satisfaction.
Instead of being grateful for God’s blessings, we crave things beyond His established boundaries. We allow these desires to replace God as the source of our future happiness; they become idols in our heart. It is time to realize that lust is a misguided thirst for a satisfaction that only God can provide. It is a warning that we are not allowing God’s love to fill us.
God is not denying us pleasure nor calling us to surrender all our desires for nothing in return. He is simply directing us away from sinful and unsatisfying things to discover instead the greater pleasure found in Him. He wants us to discover that nothing truly satisfies like Jesus.
What worldly things are luring your eyes and heart away? Are you tired of chasing sinful pleasures that fail to fulfill you long term? Can you admit that you don’t need them? Like last week, Love Dare issues another strong challenge: “Identify any obsession or object of lust in your life and end it now. Expose any lie you’ve swallowed in pursuing forbidden pleasure and reject it. Lust cannot be allowed to hide in the closet — it must be totally destroyed. Focus on thanking God for satisfying your needs.”
1 John 2:15–17 warns that the world and its lusts are passing away. If we love the world, then the love of the Father is not in us. So seek God, dive into His word, and let it fill your heart. Confess any lust as sin and allow the joy of His forgiveness to replace your guilt and shame. Choose to fully receive His love and be grateful for all He gives you rather than focusing on what you don’t have. And as you draw closer to the Lord, set your heart on loving your spouse with Christ-like love.