"Love Protects," Part 2
/Today, we continue our discussion on Love Protects by examining two more issues that threaten marriages.
Sexual temptation. We need to constantly be on guard concerning opposite-sex relationships, whether at work or elsewhere, to avoid having our heart “emotionally stolen” from our spouse. Social network sites and even staring at pictures of old friends and flames are additional avenues that can lure us away. Remember, Satan will deceptively use whatever means available to destroy marriages. Any relationship that draws our affection away from our spouse has already gone too far. Wisdom exhorts us to be extra cautious when around those we find most appealing and attractive. Keep them at a greater emotional distance to lessen the chance of sexual temptation.
The Kendrick brothers wrote Love Dare to accompany their movie Fireproof. In the middle of the film, there are two powerful scenes where the main character (Caleb) makes major decisions that transforms his life. The first is when he gives his life to Christ. The second is when he confronts his pornography addiction. This brings us to perhaps the most destructive behavior of all, and the one that Caleb battled against - parasites. A parasite is anything that attaches itself to a person and sucks the life out of their marriage. These are usually addictions like alcohol, drugs, gambling, or pornography. Yet more subtle forms can also rise to this level, including romantic novels or forms of entertainment that promote unrealistic images and expectations.
Parasites promise immediate pleasure, but they grow like a disease and consume an ever-increasing amount of our thoughts, time, and money. They steal our heart away from good things and those we love. Parasites create an all-consuming downward spiral where progressively more is required to achieve temporary satisfaction. The Apostle Paul often wrote about the battle of the flesh; parasites are among the worst of these. Plunging into them is like falling into a pit — the deeper you go, the harder it is to climb out. Often, we can’t do this on our own. If you are deeply entangled in a destructive habit, I encourage you to fervently seek God’s help as well as consider professional assistance.
Marriages seldom survive if parasites are present. If you truly love God and your spouse, you must destroy any addictions that rule your heart. If you don’t, they will destroy you. Wives, you have a role to protect your marriage. Guard your heart from anything that might steal it away. Do not put unfair expectations on your husband; instead encourage him to be a strong, godly man. Husbands, God has charged you with the responsibility to stand against anything that threatens your wife, marriage or family. This is no small role. It requires a heart of courage and a head for preemptive action. Take your role seriously.
I will end by directly quoting Love Dare’s challenge: “Remove anything that is hindering your relationship, any addiction or influence that is stealing your affections and turning your heart away from God and/or your spouse.”